
Posts tagged “core strength

Going “Hulk” on Movement Modalities

Hulk, movement, crossfit, yoga, dance, prancercise, client, opinion, thought, beliefs, projections, happy, healthy, love
Hulk, movement, crossfit, yoga, dance, prancercise, client, opinion, thought, beliefs, projections, happy, healthy, love

Image from geek-news.mtv.com

When was the last time you heard someone going all “Hulk” on some movement modality? My guess is that it may have been today. At least once. Possibly several times.

You’ll die if you do CrossFit.

Yoga is crazy.

Old-school weightlifting is so outdated.

Cardio is horrible.

Climbing is deadly.

Bodyweight training is so boring.

The list goes on and on and on. I heard it today, a few times, while in the gym training this morning. Some of the biggest modality smashers are people in the industry – teachers, personal trainers, etc. I’m guilty of having “Hulked” on a few movement modalities in the past. Now though, rather than trash a modality, I tend to view things differently. How?

One very simple perspective — people are moving.

Period. That’s it. Quite frankly, it doesn’t matter to me which movement modality one picks as long as you move. Everything else largely comes down to opinion. Yes, even with “scientific evidence,” it’s still ultimately your opinion and your thoughts, beliefs, and projections about what is good, not good, crazy, and downright hilarious and outrageous.

If you feel called to prancercise, go for it. Move that body and get your horse-like gait a-going. If your movement of choice for the day is making love with your partner, beautiful. Love dancing in the kitchen with a mop? Crank up those tunes and get your dance on! Choose something you enjoy that will increase your health, well-being, and happiness.

Now, do I believe some modalities are “better” than others? Absolutely. And, that’s just my opinion.

There is no one way. There is no the way. There is only a way.

If you’re not sure where to start on your movement journey, comment below or send me an email. I’d be happy to help you uncover movement that works for you.


Mindful Movement, Handstand and Parallettes Workshop

Hi there On A Limb-ers. I’m excited to share with you two upcoming workshops led by Gold Medal Bodies (GMB) guest coach Daniel Spencer of Dynamic Movement Solutions.

On Sat., Oct. 4, we hope you’ll join us for a 4-hr workshop – Mindful Movement and Handstand Fundamentals. If you haven’t yet explored movement and handstands “Gold Medal Bodies style”, or are looking to refine your technique and add to your skills, then this event is for you. You do not need to be able to hold a handstand in order to attend, nor have any prior movement experience (though it’s helpful to have some).

On Sun., Oct. 5, we’re offering a 2 – 2.5 hr workshop – Mindful Movement and Parallette Fundamentals. If you’ve been wondering what this little piece of equipment is for, are looking for a total body workout that is guaranteed to challenge your core and upper body strength all while having fun, or are a seasoned practitioner, this event is for you. You do not need prior parallette or hand balancing experience in order to attend.

By popular request, we have three different event options for you. You can register individually for the Mindful Movement and Handstand Fundamentals Workshop or the Mindful Movement and Parallette Fundamentals Workshop. Or, you can register for the full weekend Mindful Movement, Handstands and Parallettes Fundamentals Weekend Workshop.

We are offering an early registration discount for the individual workshops through Sept. 4 and a $50 discount (with no “expiration”) if you register for the full weekend. Since space is limited, pre-registration is required for all events.

If you’re curious about Daniel, check out this video where GMB provides a trainer spotlight on him:

If you’re excited and rearing to start practicing handstand and parallette training, here are two free videos to explore and play with from GMB. Or, you can come to our Intro to Movement & Calisthenics Class on Saturdays or our Movement & Calisthenics Class Mon., Wed., and Fri. beginning Sept. 3. Have fun and keep moving!